If You are not satisfied with the product(s) purchased from Petworld.ae, You can return it within 14 calendar days from the day You received your order and get a refund by either calling our customer support team or by filling the contact us form on our site.
You will then receive an email from our customer support team regarding the pickup information.
We will schedule your return pick up in 3 to 5 working days. It is Your responsibility to ensure that the product(s) is in its original packaging with no labels/bar code damaged.
Upon receipt of the returned product(s), our return item/product department team will inspect and process for the refund accordingly.
If Petworld.ae has suspicion or knowledge, that any of its buyers and sellers are involved in any activity that is intended to provide claims or information that is false, misleading or not genuine, then Petworld.ae may while reserving its rights to initiate civil and/or criminal proceedings against User may also at its sole discretion suspend, block, restrict, cancel the Display Name of such buyer and seller and /or disqualify that User and any related Users from availing protection through this program.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy. If the purchase was made online, a refund will be made back to the customers credit card.
Please note that in case of credit card purchases refunds will be made onto the original mode of payment and will be processed within 10 to 45 days depends on the issuing bank of the credit card.